Saturday, May 23, 2020
Reactive Power Compensation Strategy For - 1445 Words
REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION STRATEGY FOR CASCADED PHOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM Abstract – Large scale cascaded photovoltaic systems is contributing renewable energy world wide due to its unique features like reliability, power quality ,amount of energy harvested and so on. However cascaded PV system is facing one of the tough challenges like reactive power control due to varied power distribution over different PV modules. This paper addresses the issue of effects due to reactive power on system reliability ,power quality and reactive power compensation strategy for optimal operation of system. A photovoltaic system consisting of three 5W, 10V solar modules with converters are used and proposed control strategy is implemented in laboratory. experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed reactive power control strategy. Key words-cascaded PV systems,power Voltage distribution,reactive power com-pensation,unsymmetrical active power 1.INTRODUCTION Renewable energy resources especially solar energy are growing rapidly in view of huge energy consumption and environmental concerns.Large scale photovoltaic systems are connected to medium voltage distribution grids in which power converters are required to convert DC solar energy to AC electrical energy in grid interactive PV system. To achieve direct medium-voltage which is present at grid without using bulky medium-voltage transformer ,cascaded multilevel converters are attracting more andShow MoreRelatedA Novel Modeling And Design Of Statcom With Controllable Grid Connected Variable Speed Wind Energy Supply System Essay1696 Words  | 7 Pagesrenewable resources are added to extract more power. This adds more power quality issues to grid connection. 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